Farmers Bank & Trust recently agreed to donate $10,000 to the Magnolia Police Department over five years, to a total of $50,000. The donation will specifically be used to fund training for the local department.
“We thank the Magnolia police department for protecting our community; their diligent service does not go unnoticed,” Gosnell said. “As part of our giving mission to help local first responders, we are committed to helping them advance their training program to make Magnolia safer and stronger.”
The Magnolia police chief set the expectation of 101 hours of training per officer over the next year. Funds will also be used to purchase supplies and equipment for the exercises. Most training will occur at the MPD Robert G. Gorum Training Facility. Examples of training include active shooter, de-escalation, less lethal equipment, firearms, domestic response, routine reports, traffic stops, and contact with the public.