(Pictured L to R): Michele Hamilton Rhodes, Hamilton Haven Executive Director; Nathan Tidwell, Hamilton Haven Grant Writer/Public Relations Coordinator; Terry Oliver, Prescott Mayor; Christy Higginbotham, Hamilton Haven Construction/Development Coordinator; Brenda Williams, Hamilton Haven Board of Directors Chief Financial Officer; John Brannan, Farmers Bank & Trust Prescott Market President; Rachael Schwartz Potter, Farmers Bank & Trust Vice President and Marketing Director
Farmers Bank & Trust is committed to the betterment of its communities.
On Friday, February 14, Prescott Market President John Brannan presented a $2,607 check to Hamilton Haven, a home that will offer immediate short term relief for families and individuals transitioning from crisis to stability in Nevada, Hempstead, and surrounding counties. This money will provide the home with a washer, dryer, and cabinets. It’s set to open in the spring of 2020.
To read more about this donation presentation, read the article from Southwest Arkansas Today here.