Farmers Bank & Trust Branch Manager Jan Redfearn will retire with nearly 26 years of service on January 26, 2022. Redfearn began her career at the Bank in Magnolia, AR as a teller and was promoted four times over the years to her current title as Branch Manager of the Farmers Bank & Trust Hollensworth location in Magnolia.
“My favorite part of my job was getting to know our customers and building a relationship with Mary Harsh and her family,” said Redfearn. “Mary and her husband were Sunday school teachers of mine when I was young. I loved being able to wait on her at the Bank.”
Jan married Al Redfearn in 2002 and they have four children. During her retirement, she said she is looking forward to spending more time with her grandchildren and plans to travel more.
Magnolia Market President Monty Harrington said, “Jan’s almost 26 years of service to the Bank is quite an accomplishment. We’re proud for her and wish her a happy and healthy retirement.”
On January 26, the public is invited to Jan‘s retirement celebration from 2-4 p.m. at the Magnolia Main Bank, located at 200 East Main Street in Magnolia, AR.